Negotiation training, well designed and delivered, will have an impressive positive impact and it is normally an important element of any programme to enhance negotiated outcomes. However, on its own, it is rarely the total, long-term solution. There is a great deal more that can be usefully provided by a suitably skilled consultancy. 360°Solutions combines 3 elements:
The 360°Solutions toolkit encompasses each of the activities described on the relevant web pages for the 3 elements. Bringing all of this together in a comprehensive drive to imbed fundamental negotiating best practice can be transformative for organisations.
You may have a clear idea of the inputs you require but, if not, it is recommended that a needs-analysis exercise be carried out as a first step. This can be as light or as deep as is required.
In normal circumstances, the modus operandi involves face-to-face meetings at an appropriate frequency and/or working alongside people. However, whilst COVID-19 restrictions are in play, these activities can be carried out by phone, email, Zoom etc.