Personal and process development are the keys to sustained enhancement of negotiation performance for individuals and companies. The activities outlined below are a natural progression from Negotiation Training and they also overlap with Consulting although some can usefully stand alone. Their purpose is to:
- Share knowledge and experiences: peer to peer.
- Imbed sound practices and processes
- Encourage consistency of approach across teams, departments, organisations.
- Promote continuous improvement in negotiating behaviours
- Have a positive effect on morale and commitment
- Reinforce negotiation training
Negotiation Workshop designs, creates and facilitates, as appropriate, the following tools.
Organisation and facilitation of regular or occasional forums (real or virtual) for groups of negotiators – perhaps a sales team, a procurement team or a cross-functional group – with the aim of sharing knowledge, experiences and solutions in respect of negotiations.
Facilitated preparation
In negotiation, nothing is more important than preparation and yet, so often, it is not given the time and effort it warrants. Preparation facilitated by a Negotiation Workshop consultant will ensure a comprehensive and diligent approach.
Facilitated rehearsals
Significant benefit can be gained from rehearsing specific negotiations or types of negotiations. Rehearsals involve one half of the team playing the part of the other side and so require much “putting yourself in their shoes”, which can be an enlightening experience in its own right. The job of the Negotiation Workshop consultant is to prepare the briefings, apply structure and a timetable, oversee engagement and then, working with the participants, conduct analysis of what has taken place.
Facilitated debriefing
It’s good practice to collate new information learned and assumptions confirmed or otherwise, post-negotiation. But post-negotiation analysis of performance and “what happened” is also important: what went well and what didn’t. Lessons need to be learned to guide future negotiating behaviour, to encourage continuous improvement.
Providing ongoing advice and support to individuals involved in negotiation. This can take various forms depending on the specific requirements.