Since 2001 Negotiation Workshop has developed an approach to training that has proven to be highly effective, delivering an excellent ROI. Developed and delivered by experienced negotiators, our programmes are designed to instil appropriate attitudes as well as robust practices and procedures.
Tutor-instruction is combined with negotiation simulations, case-studies and high levels of participant inter-action. In most workshops, negotiation simulation exercises between participants are video-reviewed – a strong learning experience.
Until it is safe to return to a classroom environment, all training and coaching is conducted online using a combination of webinars and podcasts as well as pre- and post-webinar readings and exercises. Simulated negotiations between participants are conducted by phone, email and/or Zoom.
Workshops are adapted to suit the requirement but the standard workshops on which most adaptations are built are described here. Workshops are designed to ensure an appropriate combination of subject matter and sequenced escalation of knowledge and behavioural skills.
The Skilled Negotiator
This intensive and highly practical workshop delivers in-depth examination of the main elements of negotiation with case-studies and plenty of opportunity to practise requisite skills. It will provide new insights and a significant step-up in performance levels to maximise benefit from negotiations.
The Harvard-Method Negotiator
Amongst other things, the Harvard method promotes the creation of additional value from negotiations and the enhancement of relationships with suppliers or business-customers. It’s an approach that is being pursued increasingly by many successful organisations that recognise the potential for enhanced profitability in the short, medium and long term.
Online learning lends itself to the delivery of short, standalone modules. Each of these, in podcast form, is between 6 and 12 minutes. Of course, webinars will be longer in light of the inter-activity. Which modules should be taken, in what form and sequence will vary with the nature of the requirement.
Positional bargaining
It’s essential that every negotiator understands the powerful psychology of positional bargaining and is skilled at applying it and defending against it.
Mutual Gains negotiating
Enhancing relationships (or at least not damaging them) whilst negotiating optimal deals is an important ability for most negotiators.
Creating value from negotiations
Many negotiations provide the opportunity for value-creation and exploiting these can significantly impact the bottom-line and convey competitive advantage.
BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement)
There can be a number of benefits from using this important technique including knowing how hard to push and when to walk away.
Nothing has more impact on outcomes than preparation. Negotiators need to prepare appropriately and efficiently if they are to succeed.
Set up
More often than not, there are things that we can do “away from the table” to ensure that the scenario in which we negotiate is shaped to give us a significant advantage; for example, talking to the right people in the right sequence.
Successful negotiators need to be skilled communicators. This is a critical skill and yet it’s one that is rarely given the attention it merits.
Negotiating remotely
The ability to negotiate successfully by phone, email, Zoom etc. has always been relevant but, of course, it is particularly so during as a result of the pandemic. The set of issues is somewhat different to face-to-face negotiation.
Cross-cultural considerations
Understanding and anticipating the actions and reactions of the other parties is a key aptitude for negotiators and these are dictated to some extent by culture: national, ethnic, corporate etc.
Persuasion techniques
Negotiation is all about persuading people to take certain decisions. In this module we identify and examine a range of techniques.
When the power is against you
A common difficulty faced by negotiators is what to do when the other party has more power than you do. There are a number of approaches that can be employed to mitigate this difficult situation.
Difficult people
Sometimes we have to negotiate with people who are irrational, ego-driven, over-competitive, emotional, bloody-minded and so on. How can negotiators best handle these situations?
Tricky tactics
Underhand tactics are frequently employed in negotiation and negotiators need to recognise the game that is being played and then to have the ability to deal with it.